What we stand for…

More than just a wedding

decor company, we’re on a


about personalized relationships

and the daily practice of love.

We know a wedding isn’t the end of a

love story,

just the beginning of the next chapter.

Our ultimate goal is supporting couples

to create resilient marriages that

last a lifetime,

through deeply meaningful art.

Our Values

1. Marriage

We believe in marriage and lifelong love. We recognize the importance of resilience in relationships and our ultimate purpose is to support couples in building strong and resilient bonds that can withstand challenges.

2. Personalization

We know that every relationship is unique and believe every marriage should be, too. Our entire process, from the free consult to the custom art and decor, celebrates the unique strengths of each couple.

3. Inclusion

We value and celebrate diversity, embracing individuals of all backgrounds, identities, neurotypes, and abilities. We are committed to creating an inclusive space where everyone feels seen, heard, and valued.

4. Creativity

Created by artists for artists, we understand what it takes to create sustainably over time. We compensate each artist fairly for creating work in their own style, using their natural creative process.

5. Empathy

We deeply care about each other and our clients. We show empathy and strive to create a nurturing environment for our clients and team, holding safe space for each person to express their true self.

6. Freedom

Our goal is to be the #1 most desired company for art school students and grads. We provide a fully remote team with flexible schedules and support independent artists to build their personal brands while working with us.

Custom Wedding Designs by Layla - owner and lead designer Layla Messner, Canmore Banff Kananaskis

A founder’s touch.

As founder of Painted Love Co., Layla Messner brings a combination of fearless innovation and deep care to the company. Her empathy and understanding of diverse experiences allow her to create a safe and nurturing space for clients and the team. Layla approaches love with a mindset of constant growth and personal development, always seeking ways to improve and strengthen bonds while holding space for other couples to do the same.

Layla's creativity and passion infuse Painted Love Co. with a sense of adventure and excitement. Always open to new experiences and perspectives, she naturally encourages the team and customers to explore their own unique expressions of love and connection. Her ability to think outside the box and find innovative solutions helps create distinctive offerings and art and decor that resonate with clients.

Resilience and determination shine through in Layla's approach to relationships. Her ability to face obstacles with grace and unwavering support, standing by a partner through thick and thin, inspires clients to do the same. Layla's experience with neurodiversity and disability extends to the business, as she embraces and celebrates the unique qualities and perspectives each individual brings to their relationships and the team.

Above all, Layla brings a deep sense of love, care, and understanding to her role as the founder of Painted Love Co. Her dedication to deepening and strengthening connections through personalized art and decor, combined with an unwavering commitment to inclusivity, creates a foundation of trust and authenticity within the company culture. The team and clients are fortunate to have Layla leading the way, infusing Painted Love Co. with her spirit of unconditional and immortal love.

The future of love is personalized.

What we’re up to…

Our Core Purpose

To ignite a meaningful Renaissance in marital commitment by 2043 through the personalization of wedding celebrations and married relationships, inspiring a global movement that treats each union as a unique work of art.

Our Goals

  1. Inspire a Global Movement that Treats Each Union as a Unique Work of Art

  2. Set the Standard for Personalized Wedding Decor

  3. Become the #1 Most-Desired Employer for Art School Students and Graduates